July 22, 2021
by Jere W. Morehead, President
I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to every person and organization that gave to the University of Georgia during the 2021 fiscal year. You helped UGA students, faculty, and staff persevere through the adversities of the coronavirus pandemic while maintaining the highest standards of excellence across all aspects of our mission.
Total giving reached $205.2 million in FY21. Our three-year rolling average, which averages the three most recent years of giving, held steady at over $200 million. A total of 69,573 donors contributed to UGA, and our alumni participation rate—the percentage of alumni who made a gift to the University in the past year—increased to a record 15.2%. Donors were responsible for several significant strides made by the institution over the past year, including the opening of the Innovation Hub as part of UGA’s Innovation District; the creation of the John H. “Johnny” Isakson Chair for Parkinson’s Research and Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar; and the establishment of the Jere W. Morehead Honors College, with $10.3 million raised thus far to provide permanent, robust support to UGA’s Honors students.
To see this level of support during such a pivotal time is truly inspiring. Our donors are ensuring that as we overcome the challenges of the past year, UGA will emerge ready to further strengthen our commitments to our students, community, state, and world.